Effective care of injured children requires a comprehensive and inclusive approach that recognizes childhood injuries as a major public health problem, identifies effective strategies for prevention, improves systems of emergency medical care for children, and provides the highest quality of pediatric trauma care. Injured children require special resources dedicated to their care.
What Sets Children’s Apart?
Children’s Nebraska is a level II pediatric trauma center as designated by the American College of Surgeons (ACS). We are the only hospital in the region dedicated solely to pediatric care with ACS verification. As a level II trauma center, we:

- Use treatment guidelines that are developed using evidence-based research
- Serve as a regional resource for pediatric trauma care and education
- Create treatment plans individualized for each patient
- Have a dedicated team of physicians and nurses who have completed advanced pediatric trauma care training
- Value family-centered care
- Offer injury prevention programs
As an ACS verified level II trauma center, our mission is to improve the regional medical care of pediatric patients. We are committed to providing pediatric education to referring hospitals, physicians’ offices, healthcare professionals, EMS providers, and community partners. Topics can be customized to fit your individual needs.
Stop the Bleed
Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death from trauma. The greater the number of people who know how to control bleeding in an injured patient, the greater the chances of surviving that injury. Emergency responders aren’t always the first at the scene of accidents. It’s everyday people like you who are. And with the right knowledge and skills, you can save lives.
Learn how to Stop the Bleed
Attend a free class, brought to you by the Children’s Hospital Trauma Team. The Stop the Bleed program is about one hour in length. This program is available to businesses, schools, churches, organizations and the general public who want to learn to control bleeding.
What stops bleeding? In a STOP THE BLEED® course, you’ll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out:
- How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound
- How to pack a wound to control bleeding
- How to correctly apply a tourniquet.
Trauma Continuing Education
Please email [email protected] or call 402-955-3737 for questions or to schedule an education event.
Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC)
Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC), 9th Edition, prepares emergency nurses for life-threatening trauma cases when every second counts. The course provides knowledge, critical thinking skills and training needed for high-quality trauma nursing care.
Trauma Nurse Core Course Dates:
March 3rd – 4th, 2025
June 2nd – 3rd, 2025
October 8th – 9th, 2025
Trauma Nurse Core Course Instructor Course Dates:
December 16th, 2024
Pediatric Trauma Across the Care Continuum (PTACC)
The Pediatric Trauma Across the Care Continuum (PTACC) course provides education to nurses who care for admitted pediatric trauma patients. The content is designed to close the identified educational gap for this group. The course will feature modules on the following topics as they relate to pediatric trauma:
- Trauma assessment
- Shock
- Abdominal
- Head and spine
- Musculoskeletal
- Thoracic
- Face/neck/eye
- Burns
- Physical abuse
Pediatric Trauma Across the Care Continuum Course Dates:
January 31st, 2025
June 13th, 2025
September 30th, 2025
Continue your development as a trauma care provider, earn CEU credits and register for trauma grand rounds.
Jessica Lee, MSN, MBA, RN, CEN, TCRN, CPST
Trauma Program Manager
Office 402.955.7262 • Fax 402.955.5125
[email protected]
Kylie Scallon, BAN, RN, CPN, CPEN, TCRN
Trauma Performance Improvement Coordinator
Office 402.955.3600 • Fax 402.955.5125
[email protected]
Kristen Foster BSN, RN, CCRN
Trauma Outreach Coordinator
Office 402.955.3737 • Fax 402.955.5125
[email protected]
Travis Hedlund, MPH, CHES, CPSTI
Trauma Injury Prevention Coordinator
Office 402.955.6815 • Fax 402.955.5125
[email protected]
Jill Huskey
Trauma Data Registrar
Office 402.955.3793 • Fax: 402.955.5125
[email protected]
Kaela Thompson
Trauma Data Registrar
Office 402.955.7058 • Fax: 402.955.5125
[email protected]
Amy Borg
Child Passenger Safety Specialist
[email protected]