Frustration with time out is a common experience. Kids won’t stay in time out, kids yell and scream and flop on the floor when they are supposed to be sitting in the time out space, and after time out kids will sometimes go right back to doing the thing that got them in time out in the first place. Ashley Harlow, Ph. D., with Children’s Hospital & Medical Center’s Behavioral Health discusses the ins and outs of effective timeout techniques.
Part 1: Establishing effective consequences with 3 steps
Part 2: Learn the philosophy of timeout and which method works best for your child
Part 2: Learn the philosophy of timeout and which method works best for your child
Part 3: The Five Ws: How should timeout look in your home and space?
Part 3: The Five Ws: How should timeout look in your home and space?
Part 4: Understanding the importance of parents attending to their own wellness
Part 4: Understanding the importance of parents attending to their own wellness