When your child is ill it’s often hard to determine what level of care they might need. Here is a breakdown of when to go to the emergency room, when to go to Children’s Care Today and when to schedule a virtual visit and when to schedule and appointment with your pediatrician.
When to See Your Pediatrician
In general, turn to your pediatrician’s office first – even after hours. Most pediatrician offices have an after-hours call line to help parents decide whether their child needs to be seen right away or if the issue can’t wait to be treated the next day during regular hours by the primary care provider.
Common ailments that can typically wait until the next day when you are able to make an appointment with your pediatrician include:
- Ear pain
- Cough
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Fever in children over 1 year
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Eye drainage
- Fussy baby

Appointments can be schedule through Children’s Connect or by calling your primary care office.
When to see Children’s Care Today – Virtual Visit
If you don’t feel your child is ill enough for an in-person visit but you need peace of mind, schedule a virtual Children’s Care Today visit.
Compared to in-person visits, virtual visits can have shorter wait times and your child won’t be exposed to other viruses. You will have access to a Children’s Care Today provider from the comfort of your own home.
Common conditions that can be treated virtually include:
- Nasal drainage for less than 1 week
- Insect bite
- Rash
- Fever for a child older than 3 months
- Insect bite
- Eye drainage without injury
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea for less than 12 hours

Appointments can be scheduled through Children’s Connect or by calling 402.955.8300.
Virtual Visit appointments are available during Children’s Care Today hours of operation.
Learn more about Virtual Visits
When to go to Children’s Care Today – In Person Visits
When you can’t get into your regular primary care provider’s office and you need some peace of mind, visit an urgent care. Children’s Care Today offices are set up to assist patients with injuries or illnesses that do not appear life threatening but can’t wait. Visits are billed the same as a primary care visit.
Common conditions that can be treated in urgent care include:
- Minor illness or injury
- Fractures or broken bones that are not crooked and do not cause severe pain
- Worsening fever in infants ages 2 months to 1 year
- Sprains or minor pains
- Minor burns
- Minor asthma
- Small cuts
- Worsening fever in infants ages 3 months to 1 year

Children’s Care Today Hours:
Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Weekends, noon – 10 p.m.
Holidays, noon – 8 p.m.
Hours can vary by location
Learn More about Children’s Care Today
When to go to the Emergency Department
Emergency Departments (EDs) are for people with life-threatening needs. Take your child to an ED (Emergency Department) anytime you think the problem needs immediate attention.
Take your child to the ED for the following conditions:
- Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
- Blue or purple lips, skin, or fingernails
- Chest or stomach pain or pressure
- Seizures
- Animal, snake, or human bites
- Severe bleeding or burns
- Head, spinal cord or eye injuries
- Infants under 3 months of age with a fever
- Signs of allergic reaction such as hives; swelling of the face, lips, eyes, or tongue; fainting or trouble breathing
- Uncontrolled pain

Hours: 24 hours/7 days a week
Location: Children’s Nebraska, 8200 Dodge Street