Support Services

At Children’s Nebraska, being here for our patients and families goes beyond excellent medical care. We offer a range of support services to address emotional, spiritual, financial, developmental, educational, and other needs that your child or your family might have throughout an inpatient stay or outpatient visit.

Children’s support services are here to meet the needs of patients, parents, caregivers, and siblings.


Child Life

Uses play-based methods to explain diagnoses and procedures to patients, parents, and siblings

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Educational Support

Offers academic support from a certified teacher to students missing school due to illness or hospitalization

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Guest Relations

Provides hospital information, as well as directions to local restaurants, hotels, and other resources

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Interpreter Services

Offers translation services to patients and families who do not speak English

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Servicios De Intérprete

Se ofrece servicios de intérprete a pacientes y familias que no hablan inglés

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Lactation Consultations & The Milk Depot

Assists mothers with breastfeeding and pumping breast milk, as well as processing donated milk

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Pastoral & Spiritual Care

Lends emotional support to patients and families of all faiths and beliefs, available around the clock

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Just Kids Health Podcast

Children’s pediatric experts are here to answer your questions and weigh in on hot topics—to help you keep your child healthy, safe & strong. We’re here for you.

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Project Austin

Helps local EMS agents understand your child’s special health care needs and reduce your child’s risk during an emergency

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Sibling Support

Helps siblings understand and cope with diagnosis, treatment, and hospitalization in a developmentally-appropriate way

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Social Work

Provides emotional support and referrals to resources like transportation and financial help

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