Whether they just went through a breakup or didn’t do well on a test, it’s never easy to watch your friend go through a rough time. And when it’s something that could lead to more serious problems, such as an eating disorder, it can be even more difficult.
Watching out for signs of an eating disorder might feel a bit stalkerish or like you’re overstepping. But if your friend is at risk, noticing the signs — and taking the next steps — could be one of the best things you ever do for them.
Use this quiz to find out how much you know about common eating disorders and how you can help if you think your friend might have one.
If you suspect that your friend may have an eating disorder, talk to a trusted adult, like a guidance counselor or your parents. You can also always reach out to your pediatrician or to one of the specialists in the Eating Disorders Program at Children’s if you are concerned about someone in your life.
NEW: Adolescent Medicine at Children’s

Have you heard the news?
Children’s Physicians has always treated adolescent patients. But to even further meet the unique needs of this age group, we have opened a new department focused solely on adolescent medicine.